Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Our little foster, Stella, had her mammary tumor surgery last Thursday!  She is a champ and thought she was ready to rock n roll by Thursday night!  It's tough to hold her down, but we have to...Stella is having a bit of bleeding, small amounts but annoying more to her than anyone.  It's as if she's embarrassed by the drops of blood; always licking them or "worrying" at them.  Poor little girl just can't relax if she's had any bleeding from where she knocked that scab off!

So.  Well, my job this last few days has been to do one load of laundry after another...Stella's bedding has been 3 loads today alone, and that's just because I want Stella to relax on fresh bedding.

Just this afternoon, I posted in Canine Diabetes Support and Information that Cami's blood glucose has been very good for more than a week.  NEVER NEVER NEVER should I "brag" about Cami and her "blood glue"!  NEVER.  Tonight, her fasting blood glucose (just before her evening meal) was 57.  Oh I HATE HATE HATE those super low numbers!

One teaspoon of Karo syrup, 5 pieces of kibble and her evening meal...quickly!

When a diabetic dog drops low, it can be so dangerous.  Sometimes leading to loss of consciousness, convulsions and even possibly death.  

We used to struggle on a near constant basis with Cami's blood glucose.  Ups and downs and lows and highs, no "curve" at all, a mountain for a curve, once in a great while a "valley" (ideal according to the vet) for a curve.  We've had to lessen our expectations for Cami's blood glucose.  We no longer strive for the so called "ideal" numbers of 150-250.  

Now we strive for her 24 hour average to be below 350.  We're there and I've set a new goal.  Now I want her average below 300.  We're almost there on a consistent basis.

Of course, we also have to add in there that we do  NOT want to see those super lows that indicate potential hypoglycemia!  As serious as it can be to see the high numbers, it's even more threatening to see the very low ones!  

No cute, light hearted post tonight.  Stella's tired.  Cami's tired.  Stormy's tired.  Miss Molly's tired.  I'm tired.  Bill's tired.  Frank the old Siamese cat is the only one with any pep in his step and that's just strange!

I'm going to take myself out of here, take these sweet babies outside to take care of business and put them to bed so that, in spite of the fireworks currently exploding next door, we might find a relatively restful night.


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