Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mommy tells funny stories on all of us doggies!  This time it's Stella and Stormy who be getting picked on...hehehe

Read on, me Angels:

It's Mom here tonight, I wouldn't let Cami have the computer! I have a couple things I have to share and since they aren't about her, she's going to be a pouty spoiled princess!  love my Princess Cami!

Stella has apparently decided that she loves me...I mean REALLY loves me. She must since she keeps gifting me with mutilated lizards that she's caught. Right beside my toes, every lizard. Dead as a doornail with it's guts hanging out and she drops it for me and then looks up at me, expecting enthusiastic congratulations on her super amazing hunting skills!

Oh she IS skillful on the hunt! Much more agile and speedy than any little 10 year old breeder girl should be. Faster than the speed of light and that lizard is HERS. She outruns every dog in this house even though she's the second oldest! She can play forever, but is just as happy to come inside and cuddle. point being...I HATE lizard guts. No. I HATE GUTS. I don't do blood well and I sure don't do guts well. But I do thank her and tell her how wonderful she is, so she wanders off pleased as punch, looking for my next gift! **shudders**

On to my next doggie tale...

You all know that Stormy (our 14/15 year old Cushings girl) is recovering from sterile bronchitis and bronchial pneumonia, right? Well, Stormy has been on her antibiotics faithfully (and it gets harder and harder to find some way to hide those HUGE pills so she'll eat them since you do NOT attempt to pry Stormy's jaws open) and is feeling so much better! Thank God. I don't know what we'd do without our Stormy girl.

So, today at lunch time, I took all four dogs out to take care of business and instead of doing that, Stormy decided to take a little exploratory trip through the garden that is in dire need of major weeding! I'm okay with that, nothing in there is toxic to dogs, I checked!

I glanced up and she was just laying there...not moving. My heart leaped into my throat, I was so scared! I flung my flip flops off as I ran to her, calling her name the whole way...nothing...not a tiny movement...not a sound...NOTHING. I knew fear as I've never known it before!

I got to her, called her name...and the damned little brat picked her head up, looked at me with what I swear was an evil smile...and WINKED at me. I yelled at Stormy. I did. I yelled at her to get into that house RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY!

Oh Stormy knew I was serious...she hauled butt straight to the French doors and waited patiently until I retrieved my shoes and let her inside. Much to her chagrin, I did NOT go in with her.

Since this happened, Stormy has been my very closest friend...she knows she has to make my heart melt (some more) before she's 100% forgiven for playing such a sneaky trick on me!

Meanwhile, Miss Molly and Cami have been absolutely angelic...thank you God for two angels! LOL

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I have't been bery good about keeping up with my blog, I blame it on that Mommy and her lack of time lately!  I can blame her, right?  Is her fault!  ;)

Did you know that on August 4, 2014, I was the Modern Dog Magazine Photo Contest Winner for that week?  I was!  Mine Angels came together and rallied round and boted boted boted for me...AND them got they friends to bote too!

Mommy entered me in that contest a little bit before my second surgery in February this year.  Is my only contest...well, my only contest so far, that is!  I might do more contests, but we not sure yet.

Know why we entered?  To try to win so MAYBE we can get a article in that magazine someday to tell people all about why it's so important to spay and neuter them's doggies.  We want to tell people about canine diabetes too and that it's NOT the end of the world for them doggies.  It's not an easy thing to take care of but it CAN be handled...managed, Mommy says.

Our friend, Kim, from Hotdog Hill Sanctuary wrote a beautiful article about what it's like to take care of a diabetic dog.  Ms. Kim talks about what the humans have to do and how them has to do it.  She talks about what humans give up to care for us little "sugar babies" and how it's SO WORTH IT, cause the love and affection we shower on those human caregivers is just unbelievably sweet!  Ima have to ask Ms. Kim if I can post her article here.  Yes, I'll ask her!

My sister, Stormy, is at the doctor man's today.  Her don't feel good.  Hers coughing and is really short of breath so they's doing a chest x-ray thing.  Mommy and Daddy will find out later if that x-ray shows anything or not.   This house be so quiet without Stormy.  Mommy and Daddy hadn't realized how bad Stormy's cough and breathing were until they got home and them noises wasn't happening.  Mommy knew that she wasn't good...but...well, humans don't realize stuff sometimes cause we don't commoonicate wif words.

Okay, I'm going to go cuddle wif my Mommy now cause her needs some puppy loves.