Cami's Journey with diabetes made a difference today, in the life of another diabetic dog. Oscar the Great Mini (Cami's boyfuriend) had a blood glucose reading of 67 at fasting this morning...
Please read Oscar's story, written by his Mom Lisa!
"Good morning everyone, mom here. Instead of breakfast (sorry) I'm going to tell you about Oscar and why we hone test and why its crucial. For those who are new Oscar was recently diagnosed as diabetic. Thanks to another page we followed that are now great friends of ours (Cami's Journey) we knew about home testing and heard about the wild fluctuations. Not everyone does but you SHOULD. Oscar has normally been in the high 200-300 range in blood sugar. He gets 5.5 units of Vetsulin a canine insulin, which has both a fast acting and linger acting component. Now why his high numbers aren't good, he still has spillover into his urine, this morning he woke up to 67. This is bad. Not coma bad, but bad. Hypoglycemic actions were taken, he's steadily increasing (70 & 93) at last 2 readings. BUT what if I didn't test? What if I didn't know and just injected him? The fast acting portion alone could have had us in trouble. This is why you test. If you have a diabetic dog and don't THIS is what you risk every time. With his readings you never would have expected that number. So please if you have a diabetic dog and don't test, LEARN. Its hard, they don't like it and neither will you but the flip side is scary and I can't even imagine what we could have seen today. Thankfully we home test. Today that could have made a difference in Oscars life."
This is why we test. This is why we talk about the rise and fall of blood glucose. This is why we PREACH long and loud about the benefits of home testing diabetic pets!
We made a difference today. I'm so sorry that any dog becomes diabetic. But this is why we talk about Cami's diabetes and our struggles to control the diabetes. To make a difference. THIS is why Cami was brought into our lives. To help just one dog, makes all of our struggles worthwhile.
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